packages, procedures

open heart surgery

Medical Technology Concept – Beating Heart – Cardiology – Healthcare

Coronary artery bypass graft surgery is a useful and effective operation to treat coronary artery occlusion and coronary artery stenosis. In this operation, the heart surgeon bypasses the stenoses of the heart by using transplanted arteries, which are often separated from the black veins of the legs, and as a result of this bypassing the blocked areas of the heart, blood flow is restored in the heart. This is done in cases where a large number of heart arteries are closed or in cases with heart failure. Every year, a large number of patients undergo open-heart surgery for coronary artery bypass grafting to treat coronary artery obstruction and its complications


History of the first heart surgery in Iran

Professor Adl performed the first open heart surgery in Iran 70 years ago, on November 26, 1953. It was the first heart surgery of its kind in the Middle East, and the first such surgery was performed only a few years ago in Europe and the United Kingdom. During the past years, Iranian cardiologists have won important awards in the world with better and newer methods and techniques that they have discovered and performed in cardiac surgery, and as always, they have proved their superiority over doctors in other countries. The number of heart surgeons in Iran reaches more than 200 doctors, which is even higher than in developed countries such as the United Kingdom. Heart surgery in Iran due to the skills of Iranian physicians and the use of the latest equipment and devices in this field and much cheaper than other countries has been the destination of many people from other developed and advanced countries so that Nearly 70,000 heart surgeries are performed annually in Iran, while in the world, approximately one million and two hundred thousand heart surgeries are performed annually, which means that 7% of all world surgeries are performed in Iran.


Who needs open heart surgery?

Open heart surgery is used to treat many heart problems. for example: Treatment of heart failure and coronary artery disease (CHD) Repair or replace heart valves, which allow blood to flow through the heart. Repair of damage or abnormal heart defects Control of abnormal heart rhythms Implantable medical devices that help the heart beat properly. Replacing a damaged heart with a donated heart (heart transplant)

What is open heart surgery?

If the arteries of the heart become blocked or blocked, open heart surgery is a treatment option. Blood flow, after heart bypass surgery, bypasses the obstruction site and continues on its path. In this procedure, a healthy vessel is removed from the leg, arm, or chest and grafted to either side of the obstruction area. By creating this new pathway, the amount of blood flowing to the heart muscle improves.

It should be noted that this surgery does not cure the heart disease that has blocked your arteries (including atherosclerosis or coronary artery disease), but rather improves heart function and reduces the risk of death from heart disease. Gives. However, this method can relieve symptoms such as chest pain and shortness of breath.

How to prepare for open heart surgery?

Be sure to talk to your doctor about medications, painkillers, vitamins, and even herbal remedies. Your doctor may ask you to quit smoking two weeks before surgery and not take blood-thinning medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen. No alcohol should be consumed before surgery because it increases the risk of surgery failure and death and seizures. Recently, doctors are asking patients to wash themselves with a special soap before surgery. This soap kills bacteria on the skin and reduces the risk of infection after surgery, and also asks you not to eat anything the night before surgery.

open heart surgery

Before the operation

Before having a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), you need to have a series of tests to prepare for this procedure. Blood tests, echocardiograms, shelving photographs will listen to you. He or she will advise you on the foods, drinks, and medications that are allowed before surgery. It will also remind you to stop (such as quitting smoking).

open heart operation

Heart Surgery USA Costa Rica Colombia S.Korea Mexico Thailand Malaysia Poland Singapore Turkey Iran
Heart Bypass $120,000 $27,000 $14,900 $26,000 $26,000 $15,000 $12,000 $15,000 $17,000 $14,100 $7,000
Angioplasty $28,000 $13,500 $7,100 $17,900 $10,300 $4,000 $8,000 $5,400 $13,200 $4,900 $2,200
Heart Valve Replacement $170,000 $30,000 $10,450 $39,900 $28,200 $17,200 $13,600 $19,000 $16,900 $17,300 $7,000


Process of action

You will be under general anesthesia before surgery. In fact, you will be asleep during the operation, so you will not feel any pain during the surgery. You are connected to a special device called a “cardiopulmonary bypass device” or bypass pump. You connect to a bypass pump, which injects oxygen into your bloodstream, circulates blood throughout your body, and removes carbon dioxide from your blood.

Heart operation without the use of a pump

In addition to the positive points of using the pump, this device makes patients need more blood transfusions after open-heart surgery, because some of the patient’s blood is lost in the lab of this pump. There is also a kind of inflammatory process in the patient that causes the patient’s body to swell and the patient to stay in the open heart ICU longer.

For this reason, some surgeons prefer to operate on patients with simpler surgeries and fewer blocked arteries with a continued heart rate without the use of a heart pump or the so-called “off-pump” method. However, this is not possible in many patients with large and complex operations or patients who need another surgery at the same time, such as repairing or replacing a heart valve. Of course, it should be noted that the long-term results of these two methods are not different in terms of patient mortality.

persia med trip open heart surgery

Complications of open heart surgery

Some complications of open heart surgery usually improve in the early hours and days of hospitalization, and the patient is closely monitored for complications of open heart surgery by hospital staff through laboratory tests. Chest ulcer infection that is common in obese people with diabetes. Bleeding after open heart surgery: It may occur at the surgical incision site or in the area of the heart where the surgery is performed. Irregular heartbeat blood clotting Ischemic heart injury: Damage to heart tissue due to lack of blood flow to the heart stroke: It is often caused by clots that have formed in the blood after surgery. Blood loss: In some cases, a blood transfusion may be necessary. Cardiac tamponade (pericardial tamponade): A life-threatening disease in which the pericardium, the sac around the heart, fills with blood. This can make it difficult or impossible for the heart to function properly.

Benefits of Open Heart Surgery

Open heart surgery, if performed by a competent surgical team, can have more positive results than medical treatment and the use of stents. The benefits and advantages of using open heart surgery are as follows: In people with multiple coronary artery stenosis, which is a stenosis of all three arteries of the heart and their important branches, the use of open heart surgery leads to the opening of all the arteries of the heart more than other methods. The term is known as “Total Revascularization”. In open heart surgery, an intrathoracic vessel called a “LIMA” is used to bypass the main artery of the heart or the “LAD” artery. The LIMA artery is very resistant to restenosis and causes the LAD arterAy to bleed even after many years. Due to the use of 3 or 4 arterial grafts in open heart surgery, blocking one or even 2 of these grafts in the following years will usually not cause heart attack, heart failure or accidents. After open heart surgery, angiography is less likely to be repeated and the need to reopen the coronary arteries is less likely than medical treatment or the use of a stent.

To whom is this practice not recommended?

People who are too old for such a heavy act. People whose heart problem is relieved by angioplasty or spring surgery.


Most people use rehabilitation programs several times a week after open heart surgery. Rehabilitation programs include exercise, reducing risk factors, stress, anxiety and depression. Cardiac rehabilitation is a treatment program that includes specific exercises and training. This app is different for each person and according to his condition to improve

His cardiac activity is designed. This program continues under the supervision of a doctor, and the patient at home must follow this program to improve his condition.

A long-term look at open heart surgery

Your recovery after this surgery is gradual. It may take six weeks for you to gradually feel better, and it may take six months for you to fully recover. The positive effects of this surgery will remain with you forever. Of course, this surgery will not prevent further blockages of the heart vessels, but by taking into account the cases mentioned in the continuation of this part of moist health, it will reduce the possibility of getting it. : healthy diet Reduce consumption of foods high in salt, fat and sugar More physical activity Not smoking Control of high blood pressure and cholesterol stress management

The cost of open heart surgery in Iran

Cardiovascular surgery is one of the most expensive treatments in the world, especially if you are not covered by insurance. For this reason, many patients who cannot afford the high cost of heart surgery in their own country travel to other countries for heart surgery.

Due to many factors such as low taxes, low cost of living and the devaluation of the Iranian currency against foreign currencies, the cost of heart surgery in Iran is much lower than in other countries. Therefore, if you need heart surgery and are looking for affordable options, Iran will be a good option for you. The prices of open heart surgery in Tehran vary depending on the type of surgery and other factors, but the cost of open heart surgery in Iran is definitely a quarter to a tenth of the cost in the United States or Australia. The low cost of open heart surgery in Tehran does not mean that it is low in effectiveness or safety. Many factors, especially economic ones, determine the price of medical services, and open heart surgery is no exception. Each patient, depending on the physician’s discretion and needs, to different items such as intraoperative equipment, number of surgical services in the operating room, number of days hospitalized, required physician examinations, medications, paraclinical services such as imaging depending on the diagnosis. Your doctor or surgeon will need your advice or doctor’s visit. To receive the price of open heart surgery for you in Iran, please contact us.


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