packages, procedures

Hair transplant

Hair transplant in Iran Hair transplant by fEU, SUT, FIT method

Hair transplantation is considered one of the most popular beauty treatments in the world, to the extent that the acceptance of this method has increased surprisingly in the past years. Various factors can be introduced as the cause of this welcome, including the advancement of hair transplant techniques and the introduction of new methods. The use of advanced methods makes people benefit from completely natural hair. What can be understood from the pictures of this treatment method is that the appearance of people’s hair after hair transplantation is completely natural.

What is hair loss?

The body of adults loses about 100 hairs on an average daily, which of course is completely normal and new hairs grow and replace them. This is a natural process that creates balance and keeps the volume of one’s hair constant. However, sometimes due to various factors such as genetics, stress or severe reduction of some body nutrients, the existing balance is upset and daily hair loss is more than replaced hair.
In most cases, the cause of hair loss is the issue of inheritance, which can be inherited from each of the parents before birth and appear in the person after puberty and full growth. In addition, the lack of some vitamins as well as severe stress can cause hair loss or even strengthen hereditary hair loss; Therefore, in spite of these cases, excessive washing of hair or wearing hats and scarves cannot be considered as the main cause of hair loss.


Important points before hair transplantation

Before the hair transplant operation, you should pay attention to the tips provided by the doctor of the hair transplant clinic and follow them. Usually, patients are asked to take a blood test for certain cases, in which the presence of viral diseases and blood coagulation are checked. It is also necessary to refrain from taking supplemental pills such as vitamin E, aspirin, and alcohol to prevent blood thinning a week before hair transplant.

Each person may respond appropriately to one of the hair transplant methods, and if you have chosen a particular doctor, he may have sufficient skill and expertise in only one or two methods; Therefore, to choose the best hair transplant method, it is better to visit a hair transplant specialist and get his advice. The extent of baldness or the age of the applicant can be effective in choosing the desired method. In general, the best result depends on the skill and knowledge of the surgeon, and it can be said that the priority is choosing the right medical team. Well, let’s get acquainted with the various methods of hair transplantation.


Hair transplant methods

In this section, we first examine the old methods for this:

. Implantation of skin plugs

The first attempts to transplant hair go back to the 1950s and 1960s. At that time, for hair transplantation, plugs or large pieces of skin were surgically removed from the back of the head and transplanted in bald areas. These grafts contained so many hairs that the post-operative appearance did not look natural. This method is not used today.

In the 1970s, a newer technique was developed in which circular plugs with a diameter of 2 to 4 mm were taken from the hair bank and transplanted in the recipient area using a special surgical instrument. The plugs were smaller and the results were better, but still not normal. Today, this method is no longer used.

. Mini-grafts and micro-grafts

In the decades of 1980s and 1990s, hair transplantation faced a suitable evolution, which is the basis of today’s modern methods. In 1984, the minigraft technique was invented. In this method, a thin strip of skin was removed from the back of the head (similar to today’s FUT method), then small grafts containing 4 to 12 hairs were extracted from it. The results of mini-grafts were something similar to hair transplant with plugs, but to make the results natural, micrografts were used, which contained one or two strands of hair.

The mini-graft and micro-graft methods had two major disadvantages:

  1. Again, the size of the grafts was larger than normal. The results of hair transplantation were good, but still did not have the natural effect.
  2. The number of implantable grafts was limited. We could harvest and plant between 400 and 800 grafts in one session.

The mini-micrograft method is no longer used today.


Now, let’s get acquainted with today’s hair transplant methods:

. FUT method

Almost since the invention of the mini-micrograft, hair transplantation has been accepted by the medical community and the general public as the only treatment for hair loss. The popularity of this method of hair transplant made the development of hair transplant techniques to increase.

Before the FUT method, the main problem with hair transplantation was its artificial or so-called doll results. If you have paid attention to the hair of the old dolls, you must have seen that there are bunches of 10 to 20 hairs on the doll’s head with great distances from each other. The results of the old methods of hair transplantation were also like this. Therefore, in the first step, doctors put on the agenda to achieve natural or natural results in hair transplantation.

Trying to achieve natural and beautiful results led to the invention of the FUT method. The method that created a revolution in hair transplantation and was able to quickly outclass the previous methods. The FUT method became the basis of all modern hair transplant methods and is still used as one of the main hair transplant methods around the world.

Steps of hair transplant by FUT method

In this method, first a relatively small strip is removed from the skin at the back of the head. Then the wound is sutured. Of course, the hair in the higher areas will cover this scar well, but if you cut your back hair too short, it may show.
The removed skin strip is placed under specialized and powerful microscopes. Using special tools, the treatment team extracts the follicular units in the skin strip. Each of these follicular units contains 1 to 4 hairs and after preparation, they are called “graft”.
The prepared grafts are provided to the surgeon and the treatment team and the process of implanting the grafts begins. In all hair transplant methods, this step has the same basis and only different tools may be used. During the implantation stage, small holes are created in the skin of the recipient area and the surgeon places the grafts in these holes.
A tool called a punch is used to pierce the scalp, which creates holes with a diameter of 0.5 to 1 mm. Usually, standard one millimeter punches are used in the FUT method.
The depth and angle of the holes are important. If the depth is too low or too low, the graft will be lost. If the angle of the punch is not correct, the hair will come out wrong.
Before the treatment session, a hair transplant plan will be drawn on your head. In the planting stage, according to this plan, the grafts are placed in the skin at appropriate intervals.


. FIT method

The FUT method revolutionized hair transplant methods and is still used as one of the most popular hair transplant methods; But it has one big problem: the FUT method is invasive. In this method, we have to make a cut on the scalp that bleeds and we have to stitch the wound. The risks of this surgery are high and it has many complications.

To solve these problems, the FIT method was invented, which is known as FUE outside of Iran. FIT hair transplant is so minimally invasive that it is called non-surgical hair transplant. This method does not require cuts and stitches, does not bleed or hurt, and is almost uncomplicated.

Steps of the FIT method

The steps of the FIT method are almost the same as the FUT method. Hair transplantation by FIT method takes place in three stages: harvesting, preparation and planting of grafts. The main difference between this method and the FUT method is in the stage of harvesting or extracting the grafts.

In the FUT method, we extract a large number of follicular units at once with the strip harvesting technique. But in the FIT method, instead of removing a skin strip, we extract follicular units in the form of granules.

In the FIT method, using a punch tool, we make small holes in the hair bank and separate only one follicle from the surrounding tissues at a time, and then remove the follicle using small forceps. We repeat this hundreds of times to reach the desired density.

The holes made by the punch tool are very small. Their bleeding is only one drop. They don’t need to be stitched and they heal by themselves within a day or two. Also, in the FIT method, there is no risk of scarring and flesh wounds.

After the harvesting stage is completed, the follicular units go under the microscope to prepare for implantation. After preparation, the grafts are given to the surgeon and treatment team to start the hair transplant process.

The stage of hair transplantation in the FIT method is exactly the same as the FUT method. At this stage, holes are created in the recipient area with the help of a punch tool and the grafts are placed in the holes.

The only weakness of the FIT method compared to FUT is the lower quality of the grafts. This issue has two reasons:

. The speed of harvesting follicular units is lower than the FUT method. Therefore, the follicles are outside the body for a longer time and may be damaged.

. The extraction of follicles in the FUT method is done under a microscope, so it has less error. The error of harvesting grafts is more in the FIT method.



. SUT method

The FIT method soon became the most popular method of hair transplantation. But it wasn’t long before efforts to increase the speed and density achievable with the FIT method led to the invention of advanced automatic tools. One of the first and best hair transplant devices was called SAFER, and hair transplant using this device was called SUT in Iran.

Steps of the SUT method

The first thing to say about SUT hair transplantation is that this method is not fully automatic, automatic or robotic. The device used in this method has two functions that help us only in the stage of extracting follicles:

  1. A rotary machine punch that pierces the skin like a drill. This punch is located in a manual holder and its use is exactly the same as the old non-machine holders. It’s just faster and more accurate.
  2. Suction capability that pulls the follicle into the device without manual intervention.

The capabilities of the SAFER or SAFE device increase the speed of harvesting follicles and reduce harvesting errors, and improve the quality of grafts.

The steps of the SUT method are exactly the same as the FIT method, with the difference that in the harvesting phase we use a machine punch and the device’s suction capability to extract follicles. Follicular units are then prepared under a microscope. In the final stage, we plant the grafts in the recipient area with the help of manual punches or machine punches.

. Micro FIT method

The SUT method was able to improve some of the problems of the FIT method, but there was still room for improvement. This is where the Micro FIT method was invented. In this method, more advanced devices such as Neo Graft 2 and the latest hair transplant techniques are used.

Steps of the Micro FIT method

In the Micro FIT method, we use a miniature implanter to harvest follicular units. Like the SUT device, this miniature implanter has a rotary punch, and unlike it, we can change the diameter of the punch at will.

In the MFIT method, we can use punches with a diameter of 0.6 to 0.9 mm. The ability to change the thickness of the punch helps us to remove smaller follicular units and achieve more natural results. Punch thickness is constant in SUT and FIT methods.

The devices used in the MFIT method are equipped with suction and there is no need to use forceps or tongs. In this way, the follicle is not in direct contact with the surgical instrument and is less damaged.

The steps of preparing and planting grafts in this method are the same as other hair transplant methods.

. Combined method

FUT and FIT methods are used simultaneously in the combined method. First, we perform hair transplantation with the FUT method, and then we use the FIT method to increase density and beautify.

The main advantage of the combined method is that it creates the highest possible density in one session. The disadvantages of this method are the disadvantages of the FUT method, i.e. being invasive and causing wounds and bleeding. The cost of this method is more than the FUT method and less than the FIT method.

. BHT method

BHT stands for body hair transplant. BHT is not a hair transplant method and it only means that we use body hair for transplant. We can use FIT, SUT and Micro FIT methods to remove body hair.

Important points about the BHT method

  1. Graft removal from body hair (beard, chest and back) is only possible for men.
  2. Body hair has a lower quality than head hair and a smaller percentage of them survive after transplantation.
  3. BHT method is used to improve hair transplant density. This method cannot be used as the main method of hair transplantation.

. U-FIT method (invisible planting)

The U-FIT method is the same as the Micro FIT method, except that it can be done without shaving the head. Of course, you should note that performing the U-FIT method is not possible for all people. Therefore, to determine whether this method is suitable for you or not, you must have an in-person consultation and be closely examined.

. HRT method

In this hair restoration method, instead of using your own follicles and natural hair, we use synthetic fibers that are similar in texture and color to your hair. Implanted fibers do not grow and always have a fixed size.

Very important point

If you are in doubt about choosing the right treatment technique for hair transplantation, we recommend that you consult a person who is an expert in this field and get his help in this field. Consultation with doctors who have experience in numerous hair transplant surgeries using different hair transplant techniques will help you a lot in making a decision.

After examining the state of the hair bank, the size of the transplant area, and knowing your expectations, the doctor will choose the best hair transplant method that suits your conditions. You can ask the doctor to show you the pictures of natural hair transplant before and after the treatment done by him. It will be easier for you to make a decision by viewing the pictures of hair transplant in women.

All experienced doctors have a collection of hair transplant pictures and a gallery of hair transplant videos, including videos of hair transplant in women and videos of hair transplant in men, to present to the referring people. Videos and images are presented to people for two purposes:

  1. First, many of their questions regarding the quality of treatment are answered.
  2. On the other hand, people learn about the quality of the doctor’s work by observing them.

When can I see the final result of hair transplant?

It is possible that by looking at the pictures of hair transplant, you may be asked when the person will see the final result of the hair transplant. It is natural that everyone wants to see thick and beautiful hair on their head sooner.

You should remember that the transplanted hairs start to fall out one month after the transplant. Hair loss at this time is a completely natural process and is nothing to worry about. Maybe if you see the photo of the new hair transplant, you will be a little disappointed, but you should know that you need to be a little patient to achieve the final result of the hair transplant.

Hair starts to fall out some time after planting; But after 2 to 3 months, they start their normal growth again. If you see the pictures of hair transplant at different times after hair transplant, you will see that in the photo of hair transplant after two months, the hair is thin; But the hair is at the beginning of its regrowth phase at this time. Usually within 6 months after hair transplant, the hair looks natural and 1 to 1.5 years later, the hair is completely adapted to the scalp and looks natural and beautiful.



Hair Transplant Prices


Procedures Price (USD)
(FUE/FIT) Method 1000 hair strands from $690
(FUE/FIT) Method 2000 hair strands from $750
(FUE/FIT) Method 3000 hair strands from $790
(FUE/FIT) Method 4000 hair strands from $890
(FUE 2000 hair strands + FUT) Method from $900
(FUE 3000 hair strands + FUT) Method from $990
(FUE 4000 hair strands + FUT) Method from $1090




Familiarity with natural eyebrow implantation

One of the solutions that makes your eyebrows long and thick as before or eliminates the inherent low back of your eyebrows is natural eyebrow implantation. The principles and rules of natural eyebrow transplantation are the same as hair transplantation, with the difference that in eyebrow transplantation, because the conditions are more sensitive, high precision and finesse are needed. be taken

Due to the high sensitivity of this method, eyebrow implantation requires a specialized and standard clinic with the best implantation methods under the supervision of the best specialist in the treatment of people.

In general, if we want to define eyebrow transplant, we must say that natural eyebrow transplant or eyebrow transplantation is a process in which the specialized Renaissance Clinic first removes the hair from the sides of the ear (because the hair on the side of the ear is softer) and is similar to eyebrow hairs) are harvested and implanted along the person’s eyebrows. As mentioned, the principles and rules of natural eyebrow transplantation are the same as hair transplantation, that is, after a few days, the implanted eyebrow hairs fall out, and new eyebrow hairs sprout in about 3 months, and finally, in 9 months after the eyebrow transplantation, complete eyebrow hairs grow. It comes and is completed, and it is better for people to use the best methods of hair transplantation for eyebrow implantation, so that they can experience the best density of eyebrow growth with a natural appearance in a shorter period of time without any complications or problems.

Rules for planting natural eyebrows

Eyebrow transplant follows rules, some of which are:

  1. Direction of eyebrow hair growth

In general, eyebrows consist of 3 parts: head, trunk, and tail, and the direction of hair growth is different in each of these 3 parts. During eyebrow implantation, a specialist doctor should perform eyebrow implantation based on the direction of hair placement in these areas.

  1. Eyebrow hair growth angle

The angle of placement and growth of eyebrow hair is different from the angle of the face, so that the eyebrow lies on the face. The best type of hair to transplant to the eyebrow is the hair behind the ear, whose angle matches the angle of the eyebrow. In addition, during eyebrow implantation, the doctor will plant the hair follicles at an angle to the skin to achieve a natural appearance.


Eyebrow implantation methods

The first method introduced to perform eyebrow transplantation was FUT eyebrow transplantation, which became obsolete in a short time due to many complications such as surgery, pain, bleeding, stitches, multiple sessions, and so on. In different countries, this method was no longer used for eyebrow implantation. All in all, there are different methods for eyebrow implantation, which people should go to specialized clinics and a doctor specializing in this field to start doing eyebrow implantation.


According to the things stated in this article, you should note that choosing the best method of hair transplant or eyebrow transplant is selected according to the physical conditions of each person, the hair bank and the type and extent of hair loss, and the best thing is to trust the decision of a specialist doctor. This is the issue. It is possible to compare different methods of hair transplantation through various factors, one of which is the cost of hair transplantation; The cost of hair transplantation depends on various factors, including the equipment used, the skill and experience of the doctor, the location of the clinic, the extent of hair loss and many others.



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